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Global Coptic Day

Global Coptic Day Celebration

Special celebration for all St. Paul Coptic Servants about the commemoration of the Holy Family visit to Egypt, celebrated in the Coptic Church usually on the first of June of every year.

Join us for a one-of-a-kind event at St. Mark's Cathedral, Abbasiya, as we celebrate Global Coptic Day together on the 8th of June 2024, all St. Paul servants are invited to come together and celebrate our coptic identity and heritage.

5 Steps To Get Most Of Our Event

Global Coptic Day Sign up form

The Map Of the Cathedral

Program Intro – GCD

1- St. Athanasios Hall (5 stations + Holy Family Museum)

In the Holy Family trip, we will visit 6 stations. Each station will take us to every place the Holy Family visited, every water spring they drank from, every path they walked, and every grotto or house they rested in. At these stations, we will learn new stories and information together, play games, or answer questions to learn more about the Holy Family’s visit to Egypt. The tour will take 90 minutes.

في رحلة العائلة المقدسة هنلف سوا في 6 محطات وكل محطة منهم هتاخدنا إلى كل مكان العائلة المقدسة عديت عليه وكل نبع مياه شربت منه وكل طريق مشيت فيه وكل مغارة أو بيت استريحوا فيه.. في المحطات ال6 هنعرف قصص ومعلومات كتير جديدة هنسمعها مع بعض وهنشارك في ألعاب أو نجاوب أسئلة علشان نعرف أكتر عن زيارة العائلة المقدسة لمصر

2- World Lighthouse Building

Station 6 - 20 mins الشخصيات الواردة في رحلة العائلة المقدسة

In the World Lighthouse building, we have one more station to explore. We will learn about all the figures who interacted with the Holy Family during their journey to Egypt.

في المنارة هيكون عندنا محطة مهمة أوى.. هنتعرف على كل الشخصيات اللى تعاملت مع العائلة المقدسة خلال رحلتهم لمصر.

New Testament manuscripts found in Egypt – Fr Moussa Ebaed

Have you ever thought that the manuscripts discovered in our country were a major factor to reach the Bible texts in our hands. Let’s go through a very important stop learning about the manuscripts of the New Testament and the types of paper written on it and the scripts used in them.

عمرك فكرت ان المخطوطات اللى اكتشفت في بلادنا كانت عامل رئيس لوصلنا لنصوص الكتاب المقدس اللى بين إيدينا..عشان كدا عندنا محطة مهمة جدا نعرف فيها عن مخطوطات العهد الجديد وأنواع الورق اللى مكتوبة عليه والخطوط المستخدمة فيها،

Journey of the Holy Family to ِEgypt and Coptic Civilization - Dr. Isaac Ibrahim (Dean of the Institute of Coptic Studies)

If the Coptic Age means the history of Egypt in the Christian era, it is also the age during which the manifestations of Coptic civilization flourished from thought, culture, language, literature, art and science, architecture and musician. It is therefore considered one of the roots of the entire Egyptian people and not a time phase closed to the Copts alone.

 لنا تسمع عن بالعصر القبطي ايه اللي ممكن يجي في بالك هل هو هو تاريخ مصر في العصر المسيحي ؟ النهاردة هنتكلم عن الحضارة القبطية من فكر وثقافه ومن لغه واداب ومن فنون وعلوم ومن عماره وموسيقي …. الحضارة القبطية هي واحدة من أهم جذور الشعب المصري كله وليس مرحله زمنيه منغلقه علي الاقباط وحدهم بل هو جذر اشمل من ان نحصره في العقيده الدينيه فقط لانه جذر ثقافي وحضاري ايضا

Roots of Monasticism – Eng. Andrew Moawad

Egypt was home to Christian monasteries, which were founded on evangelical principles and foundations.

The monastic word at the beginning meant a life of isolation, solitude and complete unity, but in time it had other forms… Let’s learn more about Monasticism and did it exist before the Abba Antonius ? Okay, who founded the females’ monasticism?

كانت مصر مهدًا للرهبنة المسيحية والتي قامت على مبادئ وأسس إنجيلية ..

وكانت كلمة الرهبنة في البدايات الأولى تعنى حياة العزلة والإنفراد والوحدة الكاملة لكن مع الوقت أصبح ليها أشكال أخري … هنعرف النهاردة أكتر عن الرهبنة و هل كانت موجودة قبل الانبا أنطونيوس ؟ طيب مين اللي أسس رهبنة البنات ؟؟

St. Mark evangelism in Egypt & Alexandria School – Eng. Fady hakim

3- Coptic Gallery (Coptic icons - IOTA art - Mosaic panels & extras)

Coptic art is not just art, but it expresses our identity and was evangelism because it embodies our faith and embodies the life of a Christian person. The Copts in the past used all simple natural materials and created artistic masterpieces from them that are still found in museums to this day. They used clay and pottery and were characterized by profound Christian shapes and symbols. And the broken glass and mosaic panels made with stained glass on the walls of the synagogues, and bone and ivory, and the most beautiful inscriptions and symbols were carved on it.

 The art of the Coptic icon continued to be taught as a science in the largest universities. The Coptic icon was not just a painting, but represented sermons and books written in a simple language that everyone understood without discrimination, and the illiterate translated it into another language. Simplicity in which the learner feels what writing cannot express. A simple image, but it was full of symbols and deep meanings. Have you never heard of the Coptic art of Utah or the Utah Cross? Have you never heard of the beauty and fame of Coptic fabric? In our gallery, we will take you on an enjoyable journey between the beauty and grandeur of Coptic arts.

الفن القبطي مش مجرد فن  وخلاص لكنه بيعبر عن هويتنا و كان كرازة بحد ذاته لأنه بيجسد عقيدتنا وبيجسد حياة الإنسان المسيحي ،استخدم الأقباط زمان كل المواد الطبيعية البسيطة وعملوا منها تحف فنية مازالت موجودة في المتاحف لحد دلوقتي ،استخدم الطين وعمل الفخار وكان يتميز بأشكال ورموز مسيحية عميقة ،و الزجاج المكسور وعمل لوح الفسيفساء بالزجاج المعشق علي جدران الكنايس ،و العظم والعاج ونحت عليه اجمل نقوش ورموز ،


فن الأيقونة القبطية  بقي يدرس كعلم في أكبر الجامعات الأيقونة القبطية مكانتش مجرد لوحة لكن تمثل عظات وكتب مرسومة بلغة بسيطة يفهمها الكل دون تمييز يترجمها الامي بلغة البساطة ويتلمس فيها المتعلم ما تعجز الكتابة عن التعبير صورة بسيطة لكن كانت مليانة رموز ومعاني عميقة ،عمرك سمعت عن فن اليوتا القبطي أو صليب اليوتا؟ عمرك سمعت عن جمال النسيج القبطي وشهرته ؟ في الجاليري بتاعنا هناخدك في رحلة ممتعة بين جمال وعظمة الفنون القبطية

Stations Registration

In order to enjoy our day to the max. with your family and friends, be sure to attend:

A) One round of the Holy Family Journey to Egypt in the air conditioned St. Athanasius hall, taking in consideration that the round duration is 1h 30 min (the stations includes chairs for the attendees) so please pick your best timing from below

B) At the World Lighthouse building make sure to reserve your spot for:

  •  Coptic hymns choir with light music band by Monica George Kirolous – David Ensemble (will be once from 12:30 PM – 1:15 PM) 
  •  Alb Dawood choir will perform twice in our event (So please reserve one slot of the two time slots) – Each slot will be maximum 45 mins.
  •  الشخصيات الواردة  في رحلة العائلة المقدسة  Station 6 – will be repeated multiple times, so choose one slot that you prefer
  •  Four main workshops (New Testament manuscripts found in Egypt, Journey of the Holy Family to ِEgypt and Coptic Civilization, Roots of Monasticism, St. Mark evangelism & Alexandria school)
  • Art Gallery with real Coptic treasures
  • IOTA art workshop (with extra 25 LE fees to be paid at the registration disk in the event)

Online reservation of event activities is now closed.
Activity Reservation will continue tomorrow during the event
(based on availability of places within capacity)

Event Location

St. Mark's Cathedral
Abbasiya, Cairo

Take the Quiz to win !

A brief multiple-choice quiz covering the day’s content will be available from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Participants who answer all questions correctly will be entered into a raffle. Winners will be announced during the final event at Anba Reweis Theater at 7:30 PM. Stay tuned for more details!