St. Paul Coptic service is affiliated with the main evangelism ministry of the Coptic Orthodox Church. The service started outreaching to poor communities in Africa and Asia in 2008, targeting to serve the whole person with all their life aspects.
With the help of our volunteers, we follow a roadmap to introduce our services. six steps help us to achieve our big dream in each country.
In most of the countries, we focus on good health and well-being, quality education, and gender equality. And we focus on clear water and sanitation, providing decent work, and economic growth in fewer countries.
Since 2008 till today, we have 58 resident volunteers in 35 countries in Africa and Asia, 19 residencies and 14 rented places including 13 registered NGOs, 4 schools, 4 clinics and 1 shelter.

We’ve set our hearts on providing underprivileged communities with empowerment and resilience. Partnering with governments, civil society, and local communities, we work towards achieving UN sustainable development goals. And we empower local communities to take ownership of the goals.
With a special focus on health and education, we now help 22 African and 13 Asian countries.
A Dream coming true
A new primary and high school and hospital are coming to live soon to serve underprivileged city in South Sudan, lets hope that all citizens there will all benefit the fruits soon!

Best version of ourselves
The free courses we are having, helped me to accept myself, to love myself, and have more confidence! I get to know myself better. It will make me grow more and have better future.

You saved my child!
As most of the countries lacks medical service, sometimes a “pill” can save lives … Literally, a mother during a medical mission told us you saved my child with these free medications!

St. Paul said, "God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7)
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“One person can make all the difference for a child across the globe…Children International is living proof that, although helping just one person can seem like a drop in the ocean, that drop can be a person’s whole world. One by one…we will change the world for the better.”
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Team building, Exploration, Building reputation, Existence and Strong presence.
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