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Support Educate Empower Develop

Reaching out to the maximum of beneficiaries by opening close doors for the church.

And Get funds from funding agencies as a long run plan.

Sustainably Empower Organizations to Fulfill Human Needs.

Developing organizations to be able to provide and invest its resources, by measuring their needs and supporting activities to meet those needs.

Empowering the technical and managerial abilities to guarantee sustainability.

Putting Into consideration the environmental, Sociable, Technological aspects.


Educational Program

Qualified team across the countries specialized for working on different sectors of NGOs





Community needs assessment
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Educational Program

1- Capacity Building

Spread out NGO language and definition.“Know How”.  What is the meaning of NGO? Overview about the sectors of NGOs.

2- Mini Courses

Knowledge Transfer and team empowerment. Through mini courses by experts in each NGO’s modules across all  countries in all sectors.

3- Advanced Courses

Advanced Certified courses for whom interested and committed in specialized modules Residents and priests.

4- Masters

Offering Masters degree for whom interested and committed in specialized modules Residents and priests.

On Job Training

Intensive training for a job on 3 modules (Project management, fundraising and visibility)