"Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves."
(Romans 12:10)
St. Paul Coptic Service has started in Africa since 2008, it emerged from St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church – Heliopolis – Cairo- Egypt, under the supervision of His Reverence Fr. Daoud Lamei.
It started by an invite from HG Bishop Bakhomios and HG Bishop Antonious Morkos to visit Africa, which was followed by the blessing of H.H late Pope Shenouda for the spread of St. Paul Service in many countries in Africa.


Africa is our starting point in the service.
St. Paul Coptic Service has started in Africa since 2008, it emerged from St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church – Heliopolis – Cairo- Egypt, under the supervision of His Reverence Fr. Daoud Lamei. It started by an invite from HG Bishop Bakhomios and HG Bishop Antonious Morkos to visit Africa, which was followed by the blessing of H.H late Pope Shenouda for the spread of St. Paul Service in many countries in Africa.
Now we are supported by the blessings and prayers of H.H Pope Tawadros II, and by the grace of God we in exist in 23 African countries.
We initiated the service in the neediest countries in Africa, helping people in their day-to-day life in several aspects, Spiritually and Physically. We help them to grow spiritually and know God better, beside growing their standards of living as well.
While working on spiritual missions, we also provide lots of medical services through medical missions, having our specialized team of doctors in various medical specialties. We perform lot of surgical operations beside raising health awareness to public people in all countries we visit.
Also, we try to help in raising the standard of living by providing some development projects as much as we can, cooperating with the local communities and governments to establish various kinds of projects.
Education is our main Pillar
All these services lean on education. Education raises the awareness of people, so we care to provide educational services through our missions to help raise people’s knowledge and awareness.

St. Paul Coptic Service has been in Asia since 2010. It emerged from St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt, under the supervision of His Reverence Fr. Daoud Lamei. It started by sending a resident servant to the Philippines to help with the children who suffer from abuse and domestic violence.
We had the blessings of H.H late Pope Shenouda for the spread of St. Paul Service in many countries in Asia. Now we are supported by the blessings and prayers of H.H Pope Tawadros II, and by the grace of God, we exist in 12 Asian countries.
We initiated the service in the neediest countries in Asia, helping people in their day-to-day lives in several aspects: spiritually, and physically, in addition to raising their standard of living as well.
We also exist in well-developed countries in Asia to help them grow spiritually and know God better. While working on spiritual missions, we also provide lots of medical services to the poor and developing countries in Asia through medical missions, having our own specialized team of doctors in various medical specialties. We perform a lot of surgical operations besides raising health awareness to public people in all countries we visit.
Also, we try to help in raising the standard of living by providing some development projects as much as we can, cooperating with the local communities and governments to establish various kinds of projects.
Education is our main pillar.
All these services lean on education. Education raises the awareness of people, so we care to provide educational services through our missions to help raise people’s knowledge and awareness.
African Countries
Asian Countries


Hong Kong
